MDA Seller Zone
MDA Seller Zone is designed to help our Sellers (individual Sellers, Resellers, Retailers) to easily manage their products and customers' orders in their MDA Online Store or Frontstore, importing products, or migrating orders into your accounting system. It also helps you optimize your business, properly manage your Customer Relationship and boost your sale to sustainability and profitability.

MDA Buyer Zone
MDA Global Sales Platform,, provides the benefit of shopping everything you need from one marketplace provided with a wide variety of high-quality, trendy and stylish products from the world leading brands to compare and choose. MDA Buyer Zone makes everything very easy and simple and have easy access to all the best products from all the industries, including market research reports, purchase guides. Full satisfaction of our customers is our primary focus.

MDA Vendor Zone
MDA Vendor Zone is designed to help our Sellers (individual Sellers, Resellers, Retailers) to easily manage their products and customers' orders in their MDA Online Warehouse, importing products, or migrating orders into your accounting system. It also helps you optimise your business, properly manage your Customer Relationship and boost your sale to sustainability and profitability.

MDA Reseller Zone
An MDA Reseller is an individual or a business that purchases Goods and /or Services from verified MDA Sellers, MDA Vendors or MDA Retailers and then resells them to its own customers around the world. Resellers consist of Individuals, Retailers, Distributors and Importers. Our verified Resellers resell for profit. They can make up to a net profit of 50% and even more. Items that are meant for resale on commission are provided in the MDA Commission Store with indicated commission.